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How Cangrade Can Help HR Navigate COVID-19

We are all in uncharted territory. Just a few weeks ago, I wrote about the new imperative for any HR leader. I shared my thinking on how an HR leader is expected to help their company achieve its business goals and KPIs.

Facing a global pandemic sheds a different light on these words. Business-as-usual goals and KPIs are put on hold. An HR leader is called now to help their organizations meet the new challenges COVID-19 brings.

Think of your organization like a ship, battling a raging storm on the ocean. These new challenges are different for each sector and each company. Therefore, you’ll require a skilled navigator to get you to your end goal. While some companies must adjust to a sharp drop in customer activity, others face the urgency to meet an unprecedented surge in demand.

So, we put our heads together (virtually, of course!) to see how we at Cangrade can help our customers and other HR organizations respond to COVID-19 related challenges. We found three areas where we can be that skilled navigator for your business.

1. Accelerating Hiring

If you need to swiftly ramp up hiring to meet a surge in demand for your products or services, Cangrade is here to help. Our AI-powered assessment can help you quickly identify the applicants that are most likely to be top performers for the specific positions you need to fill. A large number of people are looking for a job right now. AI-powered screening will help you focus scarce HR resources on the candidates that are the best fit for each position while ensuring a bias-free process.

2. Virtual Recruiting

Although AI is helpful in any recruiting environment, it can be a lifesaver when it comes to remote recruiting. As a matter of fact, Cangrade’s AI-powered assessment models are proven to be as much as four times more accurate than job interviews in predicting the success of a new hire. Combining these models with guided video interviews allows you to continue recruiting efficiently and effectively while respecting social distancing.

3. Workforce re-alignment and employee re-skilling

As demand patterns are shifting due to COVID-19, HR may need to re-align the workforce and re-assign employees to new roles. Successful re-assignment of existing employees can be cost-effective and minimize the need for workforce reduction.

Your team can apply the same AI models used for recruiting to find employees that can quickly assume new responsibilities or step into leadership roles. They can also pinpoint the gaps in these employees’ competencies. This allows you to provide the most effective skills development program for each employee in order to quickly close these gaps.

How can Cangrade help you navigate COVID-19?

We’re all in it together, so let us know how we can help your organization specifically. We understand that time may be of the essence. So, we came up with a streamlined implementation plan to get you up and running in just a few weeks. Contact us and let us know what you need.