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Talent Management

Talent Management Solutions

Retain and strengthen your talent with Cangade’s retention and Workforce Development tools.

Cangrade's Talent Management Solutions
Cangrade's talent management solution customers

Reduce attrition before it’s a problem

Start building retention before you hire by hiring talent who will be successful and engaged. Our Pre-Hire Assessments and Retention Forecast predict your next loyal, top performers so you reduce false starts and rehiring by finding the right fit the first time. Then let our employee development solution keep employees learning and engaged.

Use our talent management solutions to choose the right person for the role, team, or department.

Build employee mobility with strategic talent decisions

Leverage data to place talent in the right roles, teams, and departments.

Our talent assessment identifies strengths and skills gaps, predicts engagement, and pinpoints motivations. and scores employees’ fit for all your open roles. So your team has the data they need to place employees in lateral or higher-level positions and make smart talent management decisions.

Optimize your team for maximum ROI with tailored employee development

Know exactly how to lead your team to success.

Arm your employees and their managers with insights into skills gaps, development recommendations, and suggested training activities and content from our talent management solutions to continuously optimize your team’s performance. Then sit back and measure completion and your impact on results.

Cangrade's talent management solutions uncovers your employees strengths, developmental priorities and motivations so you can assess their fit for a new role.
Personalize your employee onboarding and development with data-backed insights into development opportunities.

Accelerate performance with personalized onboarding

Identify new hire training needs and act immediately.

Development priority insights from our Pre-Hire Assessment inform you of onboarding and training needs before you hire. Enabling you to personalize employee training with our library of development courses or yours and set new hire goals to close skills gaps faster and boost your ROI.

Cangrade’s Talent Management Solutions


Hire candidates who will stay.


Manage talent for internal moves.


Train and develop your employees.

How does it work?

How Cangrade's talent management solution (workforce development software) works

Start building a stronger workforce with our talent management solutions today.