Talent Acquisition Solutions
Job Description Decoder
Discover the soft skills your hires need to succeed in your open roles, for free.

Understand the soft skills powering your job description
With a quick survey, our technology reveals which soft skills your candidates need to thrive in your open role. Use our insights to attract the right talent, pinpoint and hire your top candidates, and build a stronger pipeline. For free.

How Job Description Decoder Works
Start hiring for soft skills by answering our quick survey about your open position. We’ll automatically send you the soft skills to look for in your candidates and the language to use in your job ad to attract them. Get started below.
Uncover the soft skills your candidates need
Why hire for soft skills?
Hard skills can be trained, soft skills can’t. By identifying what really drives success in your open role and hiring for soft skills, you’ll make the right hire the first time.
Refocusing your job requirements on soft skills attracts a broader pool of qualified applicants.
Hiring for soft skills over credentials reduces the implicit bias in your interview process.
Hiring talent with the soft skills for success in their role increases job satisfaction and helps you craft a cohesive team with complementary skills.
Improve your talent brand by reducing bias through hiring for soft skills, ensuring mutual fit, and increasing retention.

Start narrowing your talent pool quickly with Cangrade
Use your Job Description Decoder results to start leveraging our Pre-Hire Assessments quickly. Our assessment helps you hire the perfect fit efficiently and accurately but provides a positive candidate experience by maintaining your talent brand and giving applicants with valuable feedback.
Start hiring for soft skills today
Enter your information to access our free Job Description Decoder.
Explore our full suite of talent acquisition solutions
Pre-Hire Assessments
Identify your top talent in less than 14 minutes.
Skills Assessments
Assess candidates on the hard skills they need.
Video Interviews
Narrow your talent pool quickly and easily.
Reference Checking
Automate references for better insights.