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Talent Screening & Hiring Solutions

Structured Interview Guides

Evaluate candidates efficiently and equitably with Cangrade’s structured interview software.

Reduce time-to-hire while you boost quality-of-hire

Stop wasting time brainstorming interview questions. Cangrade automatically generates bias-free structured interview guides from our library of skills-based, bias-free interview questions based on candidates’ pre-hire assessment results, making your hiring team more efficient.

Automatically generated

Instantly create interview guides on pre-hire assessment completion without lifting a finger.

Skills-based questions

Leverage Cangrade’s library of questions tied to the soft skills relevant to your open role.


Customize questions and the length of your structured interview guides to your needs.

Use Cangrade's Structured Interview Guide software to drive better hiring results.

Better interview outcomes with job-critical questions

Tie your hiring questions to KPIs and keep your interviewers on track. Cangrade’s Structured Interview Guides ask questions about the soft skills our AI identifies as critical to driving results at your organization and ensures your team collects all the answers they need to make high-quality hires.


Ask interview questions that predict success by tying them to your business KPIs.

Strength and weakness-based questions

Get a holistic view of fit with questions on candidates’ strongest and weakest skills.

Build a compliant, bias-free, standardized interview process 

Give your hiring process consistency. Cangrade’s Structured Interview Guide software enables a structured interview process. Our structured interview software generates bias-free questions that are job-relevant, keeping your hiring compliant and equitable.

Use Cangrade's structured video interviewing to eliminate bias from hiring decisions

Structured format

Follow the same format for every interview to equitably evaluate candidates.

EEOC compliant

Ask job-relevant interview questions that are EEOC compliant.

Auditable notes and scores

Monitor interviewer scores and notes to ensure objectivity and fairness.

Deliver your best candidate experience every time

Never get caught on the back foot with interview prep. Cangrade’s structured interview guide software instantly generates your structured interview questions so hiring managers are always prepared. And with consistent interview questions, your candidates will get a fair and equitable evaluation of their skills.

Equal opportunity

Follow a structured format to give candidates equal footing.

Sign in and start interviewing, our interview guide software preps for you.

Facilitate team review and collaboration on hiring decisions

Rate each interview response and write your notes with our structured interview software for a documented interview process that hiring teams can discuss. Cangrade facilitates scoring and note-taking for each interviewer and averages responses to help your team review top candidates and make hiring decisions.

Use Cangrade's structured video interviewing to eliminate bias from hiring decisions

Structured ratings

Score each candidate’s response on a scale of 1 to 5 and auto-calculate an overall score.


Document candidate responses and your thoughts in each interview guide for later review.

Recruiter dashboard

View candidate scores in an easy-to-use recruiter dash to narrow your talent pool.

Cangrade's Structured Interview Guide software and Hiring and Talent Management Solutions Customers

Explore our full suite of hiring solutions


Identify your top talent in less than 14 minutes.


Assess candidates on the hard skills they.


Narrow your talent pool quickly and easily.

Reference Checking

Automate references for better insights.

Get started with our video interviewing software today