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How to Choose a Remote Hiring Platform

Sifting through the available remote hiring platforms can seem daunting. Especially if you’re moving from an Excel spreadsheet to a more sophisticated solution.

Understanding the core needs in your remote hiring and onboarding process is key to choosing the right remote hiring tools. To help you and your team find the right remote hiring platform, below are some of the key considerations to keep in mind.

Keep Your ‘Why’ In Mind: What’s Driving The Decision to Use a Remote Hiring Platform?

Remember why you decided to begin searching for a new remote hiring platform and ask how you knew it was time to take the initiative. Was it one too many hours spent trying to make your current tools or software perform functions for which they weren’t really designed? Did you lose the battle for a top applicant because of a poor candidate experience? Are you getting complaints from your recruitment team about missing tools or functionalities that impact their ability to identify, source, track, or communicate with talent? Keeping the core need in mind helps you focus on the tools and functionalities that will drive your business forward and objectively evaluate potential purchases.

Think Ahead: What are Your Big Picture Priorities?

The best remote hiring platform for your organization is the one that supports your long-term growth and hiring needs. Whether you’re looking to streamline the onboarding journey for new remote employees or to scale your interview process over the next quarter, you’ll want to ensure that any talent management solution you purchase can grow and adapt to your organization’s vision. 

Evaluate Existing Tools: What Do I Have? What Do I Need?

Depending on the size and scale of your organization, you may already be using remote hiring software to source candidates, manage relationships, or collect recorded interviews. Before purchasing a new system or tool, consider the specific gaps in your remote recruitment process and the features of the tools you have. Depending on your existing solutions, you may not need a holistic platform, but one that fills those specific gaps. For example, if your current remote hiring platform meets your candidate sourcing needs, but remote interviewing is a pain point, you may get a better return on investment by focusing on products dedicated to streamlining the video interview process, rather than shifting to a brand-new, all-in-one solution.

Consider Your Current Recruitment Processes: What’s Changing?

Think about ways your organization might need to adapt existing processes for success in a remote recruitment environment. Procedures that worked well for a local hiring market may not scale to meet the volume of applicants available for newly remote positions, leaving your hiring team overwhelmed. If, for example, your organization traditionally evaluated soft skills via an in-person interview, tools like Cangrade’s Pre-Hire Assessments that automate this process at scale can save valuable time. Augmenting your existing Applicant Tracking System with an additional screening method may be necessary to create the remote hiring platform your organization needs.

Understanding your organization’s specific needs and priorities ensures that you choose the remote hiring platform that will support your goals and meet recruitment targets. Likewise, taking a moment to consider what works – and what doesn’t – in your existing tools and processes will ensure you invest in a tool that fills gaps and solves problems.

For more information on the Cangrade suite of talent management solutions for remote hiring, contact us.