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Cangrade Case Study: Cangrade reduces CareerBuilder's employee turnover by 40.6% with its hiring assessment and talent management software.

CareerBuilder reduces employee turnover by 40.6% with Cangrade




The Challenge, a leading employment website in the United States and a multinational vendor for solutions related to HR and Talent Management. At its core, CareerBuilder is a service-oriented sales organization, with 720 Sales Representatives in North America.

“CareerBuilder is a sales organization. We are always exploring ways to develop our sales force because it in turn benefits our customers.” – Justin Jackson, Managing Director at CareerBuilder

Like other sales organizations, CareerBuilder was concerned about the performance and tenure of its sales professionals. “On average, rep production grows by about 30% for each year they stay on the job, so we want to acquire and retain high-performing sales talent. Hiring reps who are more likely to succeed and ensuring those reps continue to develop the skills and confidence to succeed is very important to us,” shared Jackson.

The Solution

CareerBuilder partnered with Cangrade to assess, develop, and engage their sales organization with their suite of hiring and talent management solutions. Cangrade collaborated closely with CareerBuilder to build a custom AI-based Success Model for its Pre-Hire Assessment. By benchmarking CareerBuilder employees, Cangrade tied role critical KPIs to the personality traits that drive success.

“Cangrade’s easy-to-use software made collecting information from our reps easy and even fun,” says Ashley White, a corporate recruiter in CareerBuilder’s Chicago offices. Cangrade used the Success Model to power their Pre-Hire Assessment, Structured Interview Guides, and development content.

“Cangrade is simple and easy to use. It has a slick interface and gives our hiring managers actionable results.”
– Justin Jackson, Managing Director at CareerBuilder

After making a hire using Cangrade’s Pre-Hire Assessment, CareerBuilder then used Cangrade’s Workforce Development tool to develop their sales team. “The sales development courses have been matched to the skills in the assessment in order to make timely recommendations to sales reps for the areas they need the most improvement,” shared Jackson. “At the same time, Cangrade’s intuitive analytics inform sales leaders from a big data perspective on the impending skill gaps while prioritizing the development needs based upon the specific monetary value tied to each skill.”


“CareerBuilder has always been a strong company and a great place to work, but in the last year we’ve seen something truly special,” said Jackson. “We’re hiring better sales reps, even while watching the confidence and engagement of our existing reps ramp up.” Anecdotal evidence aside, the hard numbers speak decisively to the success of the initiative.

At the start of CareerBuilder’s partnership with Cangrade, the total turnover of sales reps at CareerBuilder was 32%. This number plummeted to 19% a year later, a reduction of 40.6%. “These results are terrific,” says Jackson. “This reduction in turnover alone made as much as a $27 million impact in revenue.”

Reduce turnover before you hire with Cangrade’s hiring and talent management solutions.