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How to Prioritize LGBTQ+ Hires this Pride Month & Every Month

With Pride Month officially underway, it’s a great time to revisit proactive ways to communicate how important our LGBTQ+ employees and candidates are.  A reported 75% of LGBTQ+ workers have experienced a negative workplace interaction tied to their identity. This only underscores the need for continued work on the part of companies to demonstrate their allegiance.

What can be done right now? First and foremost, building an inclusive culture is essential. Not only is a sense of belonging important, but it also pays dividends in a more productive workplace with better job performance and less turnover. According to Gallup research, only 17% of current LGTBQ+ employees feel that their organization cares about their well-being, leaving plenty of room for improvement.

In line with this, having dedicated LGBTQ+ employee spaces on the company website or social pages are a great way to display this culture and communicate it to potential applicants. Here you can highlight important employee benefits or contributions made LGBTQ+ team members.

Last but not least, practicing equitable hiring may be the most effective way for leadership to convey its support. Implementing DEIB training, bias-free pre-hire assessments and structured interviews will establish a clear plan of action. Keep in mind that while this are not only preferred, they are also required legally.

Our infographic below further outlines steps that can be taken and programs that can be put in place to prioritize LGBTQ+ workers.  Download it below.

3 Ways to Prioriitze LGBTQ+ Employees

If you are looking for additional resources on creating an inclusive and equitable workplace for LGBTQ+ employees, the following may be useful:

3 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally in the Office

A Corporate Guide to Pride Month

Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature (and LinkedIn profile) and You Should Too

​​Benefits of Workplace Diversity: The Value of LGBTQ+ Employees