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How HR Automation Can Boost Your Hiring and Talent Management Efficiency

Automation in HR — it sounds like a contradiction in terms. After all, human resources is a people-driven field, and automating it can sound cold and impersonal. 

But making use of automation doesn’t need to mean removing the human element from HR — far from it. When used wisely, it simply frees up time from time-consuming manual processes so your HR team can focus on improving the candidate and employee experience and making the best hiring decisions. 

Plus, automation can remove bias from your hiring process and talent management (as long as you choose certified bias-free options like Cangrade). And it can bring significant efficiency gains through the whole hiring process — here are just a few examples. 

Assessing Candidates 

Poring through a (digital) stack of resumes for every open position can take hours, or even days, if your HR team does it manually. And the results are often less than accurate, because it’s difficult to tell what a candidate can really do from a one-page resume. 

But with automation, you can use assessments like pre-hire testing to discover which applicants are a good fit right from the start. These short but effective assessments automate part of the evaluation phase of hiring so your recruiters and hiring managers have the data they need to make the right hiring decisions. 

The technology isn’t making choices that humans used to handle — it’s simply providing the human decision-makers with more accurate information about the people in the process so they can make hiring decisions with confidence. 

Conducting Interviews

HR automation has advanced enough that it can actually help your team conduct video interviews, which might sound impersonal. But in fact, it can be the opposite — you can automate the tedious manual work of scheduling interviews by using asynchronous video interview technology

These interviews follow a predetermined structure to reduce bias, but they can be customized according to the results of pre-hire testing and even include a personalized video introduction

Your HR team will be responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and making decisions based on their experience and instinct, but automation makes the process of getting to those decisions easier and more informed. 

Onboarding New Hires 

New hire onboarding is vitally important to engaging and retaining your newest employees. And in a world where onboarding is increasingly done remotely, there are new challenges to tackle. As the rate of remote and hybrid onboarding has grown, employee satisfaction with onboarding processes has dropped. 

HR automation can help. By developing an automated onboarding process, where employees are automatically taken through the trainings, meetings, and material they need to succeed. And your HR team will still be in charge of designing that onboarding process with care and knowledge — the execution will simply be done with automation instead of repetitive and tedious manual effort. 

Continuing Employee Development 

Talent management responsibilities go far beyond the first 90 days of an employee’s tenure, and HR automation can help here as well. Training and development are critical to employee engagement and retention, but determining what skills employees need and lack can be challenging. 

Automation in HR is now advanced enough that some HR platforms can assess employees and recommend further training to upskill or reskill employees regularly. With Cangrade, for example, you can assign customized training paths and track completion, and even recommend employees for promotions or lateral moves, based on quick and easy skills assessments.  

Want to learn more about how HR automation can transform your hiring and talent management process for your HR teams? Learn more about Cangrade today