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Improve Employee Retention with Our New Solution

Is your focus on improving employee retention now more than ever? Strategizing how to decrease attrition and increase employee engagement can be difficult and time-consuming. To help you tackle this, we at Cangrade have been focusing on how we can support your retention efforts.

Our solution? We’re releasing a new feature, Retention Forecast. Retention Forecast predicts which of your candidates will stay by benchmarking your current workforce engagement and then assessing your candidates as part of our Pre-Hire Assessment.

With Retention Forecast you can: 

  • Lower attrition and boost retention by identifying the candidates that are not only highly qualified but are most likely to stay
  • Reduce rehiring by finding the right fit for your role the first time
  • Prevent false starts by predicting the candidates who will succeed and stay in your role
  • Save on HR costs and time by helping your team hire even more efficiently

Are you ready to lower attrition, improve employee retention, and boost your employee engagement? To learn more about how Cangrade can help you find the candidates who will be most engaged and successful in your role, contact us today.